Download grounded 1.0 for free
Download grounded 1.0 for free

download grounded 1.0 for free

  • Creatures can no longer slide around in their sleeping animation after loading a game.
  • Super Venom Arrows now have proper world meshes when dropped.
  • Trinkets that repair weapons now properly work with all weapon types, instead of only Slashing weapons.
  • Fixing some lighting issues in the Fire Ant Hill.
  • Dew drops knocked off grass will no longer disappear after a short time.
  • Points of interest will now be unlocked more reliably when spotted.
  • Fixed a crash dealing with dew drops on grass.
  • Fixed random crash that could happen when joining a Multiplayer Game Scenario screen.
  • Fixed random crash that could happen when building buildings or chopping foliage.
  • Players playing Multiplayer from the same household should experience lower latencies.
  • You can no longer throw your equipped item while in building placement mode.
  • This will prevent dying while talking with BURG.L and REDACTED.
  • You will no longer get thirstier while in conversations.
  • Slime Lantern durability has been increased.
  • Flowering dandelions drop pollen when chopped down.
  • download grounded 1.0 for free

    Creatures randomly return to their home locations during player rest.Exploding Strange Spores in the Haze now have an audio cue when getting ready to explode.Arrows now show attack stat bars when selected in the inventory screen.Custom Game Settings that cannot be changed mid-game have icons next to them to signify this status when starting a Custom Game.Added unique symbols to the various labs in the yard for easier identification.Weapon and gear stat bars now show smithing enhancements separately from the base values, in a distinct color.

    download grounded 1.0 for free

    This to ensure the control for “Set Waypoint” is not the same key as PEEPing a creature while in PEEP mode. The PEEP a Creature action is now “E” on keyboard and “Right Bumper” on Controller.

    Download grounded 1.0 for free